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Friends of the Castle

Preserving this exceptional heritage 


The Association of Friends for the Safeguarding and Promotion of the Château de La Jumellière and its Park, chaired by François BURDEYRON, was created in June 2019

The Château de La Jumellière was built from 1858 to 1862 by the architect Henri Parent and enlarged in 1874 by Ernest Samson, within a park designed by the landscape architect Henri Duchêne. Designed as a mansion in the countryside, exceptionally comfortable for its time, it bears fascinating witness to the way of life and customs of aristocratic society at the end of the 19th century. Within its large agricultural and forestry estate, it reveals a surprisingly modern social approach.


The Association aims to safeguard, promote and preserve this remarkable heritage. It aims to enable it to regain its character and authenticity, in particular by reconstructing its original furniture and decorations, which are unfortunately widely dispersed. She wants to bring the estate back to life by organizing cultural events and visits, aiming to rediscover a close and yet little-known history.


Take part in this great human adventure and join the volunteers who

are involved in the life of the castle, winner of two prizes from the Foundation for

Historic Monuments: François Sommer Prize in 2017 and Young Person Prize

Buyer "Patrice Besse - Dominique de la Fouchardière" in 2019.

Become a patron of
La Jumelliere castle

A dynamic and rewarding partnership


Professionals or individuals, you can contribute to the restoration of the Château de Jumellière. By becoming a patron, you associate your name and the image of your company with the safeguarding and enhancement of this unique historical heritage in Anjou. You benefit from tax advantages and also benefit from compensation in terms of communication (press coverage, internet) and public relations.


Tailor-made sponsorship


Each partnership, built to measure, specifies the allocation and form of your donation: financial, in kind or in skills. It leads to the signing of a sponsorship agreement.

Some possible assignments: roof restoration sites, greenhouse restoration, restoration of the ornamental decorations of the reception rooms, .. but also acquisition of works and furniture or even support for the organization of cultural events.


Attractive tax provisions


Corporate sponsorship - The tax provisions in force entitle a sponsoring company to a reduction in corporate tax equal to 60% of the amount of its donation (in cash, in kind or in skills) withheld within the limit of 0.5%. of its turnover excluding VAT. If this ceiling is exceeded, the excess can be carried over to the next five financial years.


Patronage of individuals - For individuals, donations and donations (notarized), entitle you to a tax reduction of 66% of the amount of their donation withheld within the limit of 20% of taxable income. The surplus can also be carried forward over the next five years.

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